Friday, 26 August 2011

The STREET WORKS Jury highly commended:

Pulp Fiction, WHAT_Architecture
Totem Tenis - The Hipster & The Bag Lady, Oculus

And the winners are....
Green is Gold,  Fine Grain, UNSW
1108 Beer Line, McIntosh Ngay Wolstencroft

Walk the Line, Pancetta Studios

Sydney! I’m Listening, Jess Miley

Urban Waterfall, Kristi Park, LLC


Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Thank you for all your STREET WORKS submissions! We are excited to have received 67 entries celebrating possibilities for Sydney's public spaces, building on the aspirations of City of Sydney's Sustainable Sydney 2030.

Next steps:
25 August - Design Jury

26 August - winners announced, contacted via telephone & published online
30 September - exhibition launch & awards ceremony at Customs House  BIG THINKING, LITTLE INTERVENTIONS

Friday, 19 August 2011

Presenting the STREET WORKS Jury:

Esther Anatolitis, CEO, Melbourne Fringe
John Choi, Founding Partner, Choi Ropiha Fighera
Sacha Coles (Chair), National Studios Director, Aspect Studios
Jane Irwin, AILA NSW President
Russell Lowe, Senior Lecturer in Architecture, University of New South Wales

Winners will be announced Friday 26 August - thank you to all the participants!

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

To all entrants: Please ensure that we have your A1 panel digital file (up to 10MB) by 5pm Friday 19 August.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Registrations now officially closed. Thank you to all who have registered - entries due Friday 19 August!

Monday, 8 August 2011

Exciting news - STREET WORKS will see more than 80 teams from across Australia, the USA, the UK, Germany, Israel, India & Hong Kong compete for 4 high profile sites across the City of Sydney this summer!